April 4, 2022


Technology-Livelihood Education and Technical-Vocational Track specializations may be taken between Grades 9 to 12.
Schools may offer specializations from the four strands as long as the minimum number of hours for each specialization is met.



Duration: 320 Hours

This curriculum guide provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The course helps students gain basic HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript programming skills, and is an entry point into both the Web application and Windows Store apps training paths. The course focuses on using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured application. Further, this unit covers the skills, knowledge, and attitude required in developing HTML5 Websites. Students will also learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC applications using .NET Framework 4.5 tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding activities that enhance the performance and scalability of the Web site application. ASP.NET MVC will be introduced and compared with Web Forms so that students know when each should/could be used.

It covers the basic, common, and core competencies such as perform programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3, and develop ASP.NET MVC 5 Web applications. This also includes an introduction to the Windows 8 platform and the Windows Store applications.


The learners…
1. Discuss the relevance of the course
2. Explain the core competencies in Programming (.Net Technology) NC III



LO1. Communicate information about workplace processes
1.1 Select appropriate communication method
1.2 Communicate multiple operations involving several topics areas accordingly
1.3 Use questions to gain extra information
1.4 Identify correct sources of information
1.5 Select and organize information correctly
1.6 Undertake verbal and written reporting when required
1.7 Maintain communication skills in all situations

LO 2. Lead workplace discussions
2.1 Seek responses to workplace issues
2.2 Provide response to workplace issues immediately
2.3 Make constructive contributions to workplace discussions on such issues as production, quality, and safety
2.4 Communicate goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the workplace

LO 3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace
3.1 Identify issues and problems as they arise
3.2 Organize information regarding problems and issues coherently to ensure clear and effective communication
3.3 Initiate dialogue with appropriate personnel
3.4 Raise communication problems and issues as they arise


LO 1. Provide team leadership
1.1 Identify and present work requirements to team members
1.2 Communicate reasons for instructions and requirements to team members
1.3 Recognize, discuss, and deal with team members’ queries and concerns

LO 2. Assign responsibilities among members
2.1 Allocate duties and responsibilities with regard to the skills, knowledge, and aptitude required to properly undertake the assigned task and according to company policy
2.2 Allocate duties with regard to individual preference and domestic and personal considerations whenever possible

LO 3. Set performance expectation for team members
3.1 Establish performance expectations based on client needs and according to assignment requirements
3.2 Base performance expectations on individual team member’s duties and area of responsibility
3.3 Discuss performance expectations and disseminate to team members

LO 4. Supervise team performance
4.1 Monitor performance against defined performance criteria and/or assignment instructions and corrective action taken if required
4.2 Provide team members with feedback, positive support, and advice on strategies to overcome any deficiencies
4.3 Refer to appropriate personnel according to employer policy when performance issues cannot be rectified or addressed within the team
4.4 Keep team members informed of any changes in the priority allocated to assignments or tasks, which might impact on client/customer needs and satisfaction
4.5 Monitor operations to ensure that employer/client needs and requirements are met
4.6 Provide follow-up communication on all issues affecting the team
4.7 Complete all relevant documentation in accordance with company procedures


LO 1. Plan negotiations
1.1 Identify and include information on preparing for negotiation in the plan
1.2 Identify and include information on creating nonverbal environments for positive negotiating in the plan
1.3 Identify and include information on active listening in the plan
1.4 Identify and include information on different questioning techniques in the plan
1.5 Check information to ensure it is correct and up-to-date

LO 2. Participate in negotiations
2.1 Agree on criteria for successful outcome by all parties
2.2 Consider desired outcome of all parties
2.3 Use appropriate language throughout the negotiation.
2.4 Use a variety of questioning techniques
2.5 Documentation and agreement on the issues and processes by all parties
2.6 Discuss possible solutions and assess their viability
2.7 Confirm and record areas for agreement
2.8 Agree on follow-up action by all parties


LO 1.Identify the problem
1.1 Identify variances from normal operating parameters and product quality
1.2 Define extent, cause, and nature are of the problem through observation, investigation, and analytical techniques
1.3 State and specify problems clearly

LO 2. Determine fundamental causes of the problem
2.1 Identify possible causes based on experience and the use of problem-solving tools/ analytical techniques
2.2 Develop possible cause statements based on findings
2.3 Identify fundamental causes per results of investigation conducted

LO 3. Determine corrective action
3.1 Consider all possible options for resolution of the problem
3.2 Consider strengths and weaknesses of possible options
3.3 Determine corrective actions to resolve the problem and possible future causes
3.4 Develop action plans identifying measurable objectives, resource needs, and timelines in accordance with safety and operating procedures

LO 4. Provide recommendations to manager.
4.1 Prepare reports on recommendations
4.2 Present recommendations to appropriate personnel
4.3 Follow up recommendations, if required


LO 1. Identify mathematical tools and techniques to solve problems
1.1 Identify problem areas based on the given condition
1.2 Select mathematical techniques based on the given problem

LO 2. Apply mathematical procedure/solution.
2.1 Apply mathematical techniques based on the problem identified
2.2 Perform mathematical computations to the level of accuracy required for the problem
2.3 Determine results of mathematical computation and verify based on job requirements

LO 3. Analyze results.
1.1 Identify problem areas based on given condition.
1.2 Apply appropriate action in case of error


LO 1. Study/Select appropriate technologies
1.1 Determine usage of different technologies based on job requirements
1.2 Select appropriate technology as per work specification

LO 2. Apply relevant technologies.
2.1 Use relevant technology effectively in carrying out functions
2.2 Use applicable software and hardware as per task requirement
2.3 Observe and practice management concepts as per established industry practices

LO 3. Maintain/Enhance relevant technology
3.1 Apply maintenance of technology in accordance with industry-standard operating procedure, manufacturer’s operating guidelines, and occupational health and safety procedure to ensure its operative ability
3.2 Maintain technology update through continuing education or training in accordance with job requirement
3.3 Report immediately technology failure/defect to responsible person or section for appropriate action



LO 1. Assess quality of received materials
1.1 Obtain work instruction and carry out work in accordance with standard operating procedures
1.2 Check and receive materials against workplace standards and specifications
1.3 Identify and isolate faulty materials related to work
1.4 Record and/or report faults and any identified causes to the supervisor concerned in accordance with workplace procedures
1.5 Replace faulty materials in accordance with workplace procedures

LO 2. Assess own work.
2.1 Identify and use documentation relative to quality within the company
2.2 Check completed work against workplace standards relevant to the task undertaken
2.3 Identify and isolate errors
2.4 Record information on the quality and other indicators of production performance in accordance with workplace procedures
2.5 Document and report causes in cases of deviations from specific quality standards in accordance with the workplace standards operating procedures

LO 3. Engage in quality improvement
3.1 Participate in process improvement procedures relative to workplace assignment
3.2 Carry out work in accordance with process improvement procedures
3.3 Monitor performance of operation or quality of product of service to ensure customer satisfaction


LO 1. Plan and prepare for the task at hand
1.1 Determine task requirements in accordance with the required output
1.2 Select appropriate hardware and software according to task assigned and required outcome
1.3 Plan task to ensure that OH and S guidelines and procedures are followed
1.4 Follow client-specific guidelines and procedures
1.5 Apply required data security guidelines in accordance with existing procedures

LO 2. Input data into computer
2.1 Enter data into the computer using appropriate program/application in accordance with company procedure
2.2 Check accuracy of information and information saved in accordance with standard operating procedures
2.3 Store inputted data in storage media according to requirements
2.4 Perform work within ergonomic guidelines

LO 3. Access information using computer.
3.1 Select correct program/application-based on job requirements
3.2 Access program/application containing the information required according to company procedures
3.3 Select, open, and close desktop icons correctly for navigation purposes
3.4 Carry out keyboard techniques in line with OHS requirements for safe use of keyboards

LO 4. Produce output/data using computer system
4.1 Process entered data using appropriate software commands
4.2 Print data as required using computer hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures
4.3 Transfer files and data between compatible systems using computer software and hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures

LO 5. Use basic functions of a Web browser to locate information
5.1 Establish information requirements for Internet search
5.2 Launch browser
5.3 Load search engine
5.4 Enter appropriate search criteria and/or URL of site
5.5 Follow relevant links to locate required information
5.6 Bookmark and print useful pages as required

LO 6. Maintain computer equipment
6.1 Implement procedures for ensuring security of data, including regular back-ups and virus checks in accordance with standard operating procedures
6.2 Implement basic file maintenance procedures in line with standard operating procedures



LO 1. Develop basic HTML document using HTMP5 and CSS 3 syntax
1.1 Illustrate different business domain features
1.2 Document business processes using agreed-on representation format
1.3 Describe the interaction of the objects with the business logic in details
1.4 Document interaction diagrams using agreed representation format
1.5 Create and configure an HTML document according to user’s specification
1.6 Design HTML5 document using Cascading Style Sheet 3 (CSS3)

LO 2. Create HTML5 document using advanced techniques with JavaScript and CSS3
2.1 Create static pages using new features available in HTML5
2.2 Use CSS3 applying basic styling to the elements in an HTML5 page
2.3 Explain the syntax and use of JavaScript with HTML5
2.4 Write JavaScript code that manipulates the HTMLDOM and handle events
2.5 Describe the use of jQuery to simplify code that uses many common JavaScript APls
2.6 Create forms that use the new HTML5 input types
2.7 Validate user input and provide feedback by using the new HTML5 attributes
2.8 Write JavaScript code to validate user input and provide cases where it is not suitable to use HTML5 attributes
2.9 Implement graphical effects and transformations by using the CSS3 properties
2.10 Apply style to block elements by using CSS3
2.11 Use CSS3 selectors to specify the elements to be styled in a Web application
2.12 Style text elements on an HTML5 page by using CSS3

LO 3. Communicate with Remote Data Source and create objects and methods using JavaScript
3.1 Serialize, deserialize, send, and receive data by using XMLHTTP Request object
3.2 Simplify code that serializes, deserializes, sends, and receives data by using the jQuery Ajax method
3.3 Describe the benefits of structuring JavaScript code carefully to aid maintainability and extensibility
3.4 Explain best practices for creating custom objects in JavaScript
3.5 Describe how to extend custom and native objects to add functionality

LO 4. Create interactive user interface and add offline support for Web applications
4.1 Use Drag-and-Drop-and-File APIs to interact with files in a Web application.
4.2 Incorporate audio and video into a Web application.
4.3 Detect location of the user running a Web application by using the Geolocation API.
4.4 Explain how to debug and profile a Web application by using the Web Timing API.
4.5 Describe the need to detect device capabilities and react to different form factors in a Web application.
4.6 Create a Web page that can dynamically adapt its layout to match different form factors
4.7 Save data and retrieve locally on the user’s computer by using the Local Storage API
4.8 Provide offline support for a Web application by using the Application Cache API

LO 5. Use CSS3 to create scalable graphics and animated user interface
5.1 Use Scalable Vector Graphics to add interactive graphics to an application.
5.2 Draw complex graphics on an HTML5 Canvas element by using JavaScript code.
5.3 Apply CSS transitions to elements on an HTML5 page, and write JavaScript code to detect when a transition has occurred
5.4 Describe different types of 2D and 3D transitions available with CSS3
5.5 Implement complex animations by using CSS key-frames and JavaScript code

LO 6. Implement real-time communications by using Web Sockets and Web Worker process
6.1 Explain how Web Sockets work and describe how to send and receive data through a Web Socket
6.2 Use Web Socket API with JavaScript to connect to a Web Socket server, send and receive data, and handle the different events that can occur when a message is sent or received
6.3 Describe the purpose of a Web Worker process and how it can be used to perform asynchronous processing as well as provide isolation for sensitive operations
6.4 Use Web Worker APIs from JavaScript code to create, run, and monitor a Web Worker process
6.5 Follow Occupational health and safety standards in the workplace and 5S disciplines strictly as per enterprise policies and procedures


LO 1. Employ basic project management tasks
1.1 Prepare feature list in line with client requirements
1.2 Use effective Excel Survey form to gather client information and requirements
1.3 Prepare release plan and agree with clients based on dependencies and business values
1.4 Present visual presentation and supporting documents during the client meeting
1.5 Identify required tasks to complete the feature based on feature list and established design approach
1.6 Assign time estimates per task based on degree of complexity and size
1.7 Perform analysis of development resources.
1.8 Itemize Tasks and To-do list using OneNote and Team Sites
1.9 Use Lync Online effectively for online internal meetings throughout the project development
1.10 Formulate used test-case scenarios and document using specified format and in line with client requirements
1.11 Plot test cases in Excel Worksheets
1.12 Document business process using agreedon representation format

LO 2. Perform Object-Oriented Programming with C#
2.1 Describe the architecture of .NET Framework applications and use the features that Visual Studio 2013 or higher and programming language provided to support .NET Framework development
2.2 Use the basic data types, operators, and expressions
2.3 Use the constructed standard programming language
2.4 Use the created and invoked methods, passed parameters to methods, and returned values from methods
2.5 Create overloaded methods and use optional & output parameters
2.6 Catch and handle exceptions and write information to the event log
2.7 Explain the requirement for implementing logging, tracing, and profiling when building large-scale applications
2.8 Describe principles of object-oriented programming
2.9 Create and use custom classes
2.10 Define and implement custom interfaces
2.11 Use generics to implement type-safe collections
2.12 Define and inherit abstract classes from base classes to create a class hierarchy.
2.13 Use inherit from .NET Framework classes and extension methods to add custom functionality to the inherited class
2.14 Create generic classes and methods

LO 3. Develop ASP.NET Web Applications using Model View Controller architectural pattern.
3.1 Learning basics of building an ASP.NET MVC 5 Web app using Visual Studio 2013 or higher
3.2 Describe the Microsoft Web Technologies stack
3.3 Select and use appropriate technology to develop any given application
3.4 Design architecture of Web application to meet a set of functional requirements, user interface requirements, and address business models
3.5 Design the implementation of a Web application that will meet a set of functional requirements, user interface requirements, and address business models
3.6 Create MVC Models
3.7 Write code that implements business logic within Model methods, properties, and events.
3.8 Add controllers to an MVC Application to manage user interaction
3.9 Update models
3.10 Select and return Views
3.11 Use Razor syntax to create Views in an MVC application that display
3.12 Edit data
3.13 Interact with Models and Controllers

LO 4. Test and debug ASP.NET MVC Web Applications.
4.1 Run unit tests and debugging tools against a Web application in Visual Studio
4.2 Configure an application for troubleshooting

LO 5. Create custom URLs and apply style to ASP.NET MVC Web applications.
5.1 Develop a Web application that uses the ASP.NET routing engine to present friendly URLs
5.2 Develop a Web application that uses the ASP.NET routing engine to a logical navigation hierarchy to users
5.3 Use Template Views
5.4 Apply a consistent look and feel to an MVC Application
5.5 Adapt Web pages for different browsers

LO 6. Create responsive Web pages and implementing security
6.1 Use partial page updates and caching to reduce the network bandwidth used by an application.
6.2 Perform accelerate responses to user requests
6.3 Write JavaScript code that runs on the client side
6.4 Utilize jQuery script library to optimize the responsiveness of an MVC Web application
6.5 Implement authentication in an MVC Web application using Membership Provider.
6.6 Implement authorization in an MVC Web application using Role Provider
6.7 Build a secure MVC application that resists malicious attacks
6.8 Build an MVC application that persist information about users and preferences

LO 7. Create RESTful API, modify URLs, and deploy ASP.NET MVC applications
7.1 Describe a Web API
7.2 Identify and explain why developers might add a Web API to an application
7.3 Build RESTful Web API and consume from other applications
7.4 Modify the way browser requests by an MVC application using HTTP modules and HTTP handlers
7.5 Intercept request from browser using Web sockets
7.6 Write Windows Azure Web service
7.7 Write code to call the Web service from and MVC application
7.8 Pack an ASP.NET MVC 5 Web application from a development computer to a Web server for staging or production
7.9 Deploy an ASP.NET MVC 5 Web application from a development computer to a Web server for staging or production

Source: K to 12 ICT – Programming (.Net Technology) NC III Curriculum Guide

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