Technology-Livelihood Education and Technical-Vocational Track specializations may be taken between Grades 9 to 12.
Schools may offer specializations from the four strands as long as the minimum number of hours for each specialization is met.
Pest Management (NC II) (320 hours)
This course covers the skills, knowledge and attitude required of the high school student in Pest Management. It includes the competencies of (1) conducting field assessments, (2) applying bio-control measures, (3) applying cultural management strategies, (4) applying physical control, (5) applying chemical control measures, (6) monitoring results of pest management activities, and (7) providing feedback.
1. Explain basic concepts in pest management
2. Explore career job opportunities in pest management
LO 1. Develop and strengthen personal competencies and skills (PECs) needed in Pest Management
1.1. Identify areas for improvement, development and growth
1.2. Align one’s PECs according to his/her business/career choice
1.3. Create a plan of action that ensures success of his/her business/career choice
LO 1. Develop a product/service in Pest Management
1.1. Identify what is of “Value” to the customer
1.2. Identify the customer
1.3. Explain what makes a product unique and competitive
1.4. Apply creative and innovative techniques to develop marketable product
1.5. Employ a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to the product/service
LO 2. Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set
2.1. Enumerate various criteria and steps in selecting a business idea
2.2. Apply the criteria/steps in selecting a viable business idea
2.3. Determine a business idea based on the criteria/techniques set
LO 3. Develop a brand for the product
3.1. Identify the benefits of having a good brand
3.2. Enumerate recognizable brands in the town/province
3.3. Enumerate the criteria for developing the brand
3.4. Generate a clear appealing product brand
GRADE 11 QUARTER 1 and 2
LO 1. Assess the area
1.1. Visit field for assessment according to farm work procedures
1.2. Observe plant appearance and growth for possible presence of pests and their natural enemies, other beneficial organisms and nutritional disorders according to farm work procedures
1.3. Identify OHS, assess risks and implement suitable preventive measures according to farm work procedures
1.4. Take note of environment and other relevant information with regard to assessment activities following standard procedure
LO 2. Identify pests and their natural enemies and other beneficial organisms
2.1. Identify pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms according to farm work procedures
2.2. Consult the teacher or the pest specialist to validate the identity of pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms in line with farm work procedures
LO 3. Collect data related to natural enemy populations and pest infestations
3.1. Gather information on the identified natural enemies’ density as well as degree of pest infestation and severity of pest damage according to farm work procedures
3.2. Collect data on the environment and other relevant information in accordance with farm work procedures
3.3. Determine levels of infestation/severity tolerated by the client, market or environment in line with Integrated Management Plan (IPM)
3.4. Obtain professional advice according to enterprise guidelines
LO 4. Maintain Records and Provide Feedbacks
4.1. Update and complete records in line with workplace procedure
4.2. Discuss result of assessment activities following standard procedure
LO 1. Identify target Pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms
1.1. Identify pests which warrant action, their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms according to general classification/lifecycle and behavior/signs and symptoms and stage of plant growth
1.2. Consult the teacher or the pest specialist to validate identification of target pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms
1.3. Assess requirement for available biocontrol measure in line with IPM strategy
LO 2. Select Bio-control Activities and Prepare for the Application
2.1. Select bio-control measures, natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms, determine its availability and appropriateness in order to reduce pest density and level of severity/infestation. Determine the environment and other relevant information in accordance with farm work procedures
2.2. Prepare the necessary supplies and materials, tools, machinery, equipment and facilities according to farm work procedures
2.3. Select suitable PPE according to OHS requirements
LO 3. Implement Control Activities
3.1. Implement appropriate bio-control measures in line with farm work procedures
3.2. Use tools, machinery and equipment, facilities and PPE in accordance with OHS requirements
LO 4. Check performance of control activities
4.1. Record and monitor implemented management options in line with farm work procedures
4.2. Undertake supplemental and remedial actions according to work instructions
4.3. Maintain records according to standard procedures
LO 1. Identify pests and their natural enemies and other beneficial organisms
1.1. Identify pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms according to general classification/life cycle and behavior/ signs and symptoms and stage of plant growth
1.2. Consult the teacher or the pest specialist to validate the identification of target pests and their natural enemies and other beneficial organisms according to farm work procedures
1.3. Assess requirement for available cultural management strategies measure in line with IPM strategy in line with the IPM strategy
LO 2. Select cultural management strategies and prepare for implementation
2.1. Select cultural management strategies to target pests. Select natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms, its availability and appropriateness to prevailing pest density, level of severity/infestation, the environment and other relevant information in accordance with farm work procedures
2.2. Prepare the necessary supplies and materials, tools, machinery and equipment according to farm work procedures
2.3. Select suitable PPE according to OHS requirements
LO 3. Implement control activities
3.1. Implement appropriate cultural management strategies in line with farm work procedures
3.2. Use tools, machinery and equipment and PPE in accordance with OHS requirements
LO 4. Check performance of control activities
4.1. Record and monitor control activities in line with farm work procedures
4.2. Undertake supplemental and remedial actions if necessary according to work instructions
4.3. Maintain records according to standard procedures
LO 1. Identify pests and their natural enemies and other beneficial organisms
1.1. Identify pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms according to general classification/life cycle and behavior/ signs and symptoms and stage of plant growth
1.2. Consult the teacher or the pest specialist to validate identification of target pests and their natural enemies and other beneficial organisms according to farm procedures
1.3. Assess requirement for physical control measures in line with IPM strategies
LO 2. Control measure and prepare for implementation
2.1. Select physical control measures to target pests and their natural enemies. Select other beneficial organisms, its availability and appropriateness to prevailing pest density, level of severity/infestation, the environment and other relevant information in accordance with farm work procedures
2.2. Prepare necessary supplies, materials, tools, machinery and equipment according to farm work procedures
2.3. Select suitable PPE according to OHS requirements
LO 3. Implement control activities
3.1. Implement appropriate control measures in line with farm work procedures
3.2. Use tools, machinery, equipment, and PPE in accordance with OHS requirements
LO 4. Check performance of control activities
4.1. Record and monitor control activities in line with farm work procedures
4.2. Undertake supplemental and remedial actions if necessary according to work instructions
4.3. Maintain records according to standard procedures
QUARTER 2 and 3
LO 1. Identify target pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms
1.1. Identify pests and their natural enemies and other beneficial organisms according to general classification/lifecycle and behavior/signs and symptoms and stage of growth
1.2. Consult the teacher or the pest specialist to validate identification of target pests and their natural enemies, and other beneficial organisms
1.3. Assess requirement for pesticide as an option, after considering non-chemical alternatives, within the IPM strategy
LO 2. Select Appropriate Pesticide
2.1. Select appropriate pesticide(s) based on target pest, pest and natural enemy density, level of severity/infestation, environment and other relevant information in accordance with farm work procedures
2.2. Check labels according to requirements and specifications
2.3. Use pesticide in accordance with legislations and regulations
2.4. Identify OHS hazards, assess risks, implement controls and report to the teacher according to farm work procedures
LO 3. Prepare for the Application of Appropriate Pesticide
3.1. Select suitable PPE according to product label and safety requirements
3.2. Select suitable application equipment and tools according to farm work procedures
3.3. Carry out pre-operational and safety checks on application equipment and tools, calibrations and adjustments made according to manufacturer’s specifications and farm work procedures
3.4. Define and calculate pesticide mixing rates according to requirements and specifications
3.5. Mix pesticides according to directions, standards and legislative requirements
LO 4. Apply appropriate pesticide
4.1. Assess and forecast meteorological condition prior to application of pesticide
4.2. Apply specific products with prescribed timing, rate and method according to farm work procedures and product label/directions with due consideration of environmental implications
4.3. Use appropriate PPE according to farm work procedures and product labels/directions
LO 5. Clean up following application
5.1. Clean and store application equipment and tools according to farm work procedure
5.2. Store or dispose of unused chemicals according to storage temperature requirements, label directions and standard procedure
5.3. Properly dispose of used containers according to prescribed procedure
5.4. Clean site according to directions and standards
5.5. Handle chemical spills according to standard procedures
5.6. Observe personal safety according to prescribed procedures
LO 6. Check and Record Performance of Control Activities
6.1. Record product applications according to farm work procedure
6.2. Undertake supplemental and remedial actions if necessary following work instructions
6.3. Record observable adverse effects to natural enemies, humans, farm animals and the environment according to farm work procedures
6.4. Maintain records as required by legislation and enterprise guidelines
LO 7. Transport, handle and store chemicals
7.1. Transport or carry chemicals to and from the farm building using specified container/equipment and materials
7.2. Properly store unused chemicals using first in first out system
LO 1. Check and Record Performance of Control Activities
1.1. Monitor and record targeted plant response to pest management activities, as well as any nontargeted environmental effects
1.2. Prepare and submit progress report according to farm work procedure
LO 2. Address Performance of Control Activities
2.1. Report to teacher any gap or deviation from expected results of control activities according to standard procedures
2.2. Implement adjustment to control measures when necessary according to work instructions
2.3. Keep and update records regularly according to farm procedures
Source: K to 12 Agri-Fishery Arts – Pest Management (NC II) Curriculum Guide