K to 12 Basic Education Program: An Overview
Essentially, the K to 12 curriculum proposed in 2011 seeks to develop 21st century skills among its learners. These include the cognitive skills of critical thinking, problem-solving and creative thinking; the social or interpersonal skills of communication, collaboration, leadership and cross-cultural skills; self- management skills of self-monitoring and self-direction, as well as task or project management skills, and personal characteristics which are part of ethics, civic responsibility and accountability.
The Curricular Philosophy of the K to 12 PE Curriculum
Fitness and movement education content is the core of the K to 12 PE Curriculum. It includes value, knowledge, skills and experiences in physical activity participation in order to (1) achieve and maintain health-related fitness (HRF), as well as (2) optimize health. In particular, it hopes to instill an understanding of why HRF is important so that the learner can translate HRF knowledge into action. Thus, self-management is an important skill. In addition, this curriculum recognizes the view that fitness and healthy physical activity (PA) behaviors must take the family and other environmental settings (e.g. school, community and larger society) into consideration. This curricular orientation is a paradigm shift from the previous sports-dominated PE curriculum aimed at athletic achievement.
Move to learn is the context of physical activity as the means for learning, while Learn to move embodies the learning of skills, and techniques and the acquisition of understanding that are requisites to participation in a variety of physical activities that include exercise, games, sports, dance and recreation
Learning Outcomes
The K to 12 PE Curriculum develops the students’ skills in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating information, making informed decisions, enhancing and advocating their own and others’ fitness and health. The knowledge, understanding and skills underpin the competence, confidence and commitment required of all students to live an active life for fitness and health.
The K to 12 PE Curriculum prioritizes the following standards:
- Habitual physical activity participation to achieve and maintain health-enhancing levels of fitness.
- Competence in movement and motor skills requisite to various physical activity performances.
- Valuing physical activities for enjoyment, challenge, social interaction and career opportunities.
- Understanding various movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning of physical activity.
Learning Approaches
Physical literacy is consists of movement, motor- and activity-specific skills. In the early grades the learners are taught the ‘what,’ ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the movement. This progresses to an understanding of the ‘why’ of the movement which is achieved by developing more mature movement patterns and motor skills in a wide range and variety of exercise, sports and dance activities to specifically enhance fitness parameters. The learners builds on these knowledge and skills in order to plan, set goals and monitor their participation in physical activities (exercise, sports and dance) and constantly evaluate how well they have integrated this their personal lifestyle. This implies the provision of ongoing and developmentally-appropriate activities so that the learners can practice, create, apply and evaluate the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to maintain and enhance their own as well as others’ fitness and health through participation in physical activities.
The curriculum also allows for an inclusive approach that understands and respects the diverse range of learners; thus, the program takes into account their needs, strengths and abilities. This is to ensure that all learners have equivalent opportunities and choices in Physical Education.
The curriculum emphasizes knowing the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of movement. It focuses on developing the learners’ understanding of how the body responds, adjusts and adapts to physical activities. This will equip the learner to become self-regulated and self-directed as a result of knowing what should be done and actually doing it; is the learners are equally confident in influencing their peers, family, immediate community, and ultimately, society. These are all valuable 21st century skills which the K to 12 PE Curriculum aspires for the learners to develop.
Learning Strands
The program has five learning strands:
- Body management which includes body awareness, space awareness, qualities and relationships of movements and how these are used dynamically in various physical activities.
- Movement skills related to the fundamental movement patterns and motor skills that form the basis of all physical activities.
- Games and sports consisting of simple, lead-up and indigenous games; as well as individual, dual and team sports in competitive and recreational settings.
- Rhythms and dances include rhythmical movement patterns; the promotion and appreciation of Philippine folk dance, indigenous and traditional dances as well as other dance forms.
- Physical fitness includes assessment through fitness tests and records, interpreting, planning and implementing appropriate programs that support fitness and health goals.
The acquisition of physical literacy serves as the foundation for lifelong physical activity participation which is critical to maintaining and promoting health. Thus, the health strand in the senior high school (SHS) is seamlessly integrated in the PE curriculum. This strand optimizes the learner’s potential for health and wellbeing and contributes to building healthy, active communities. Thus, the course title, Health-optimizing PE or H.O.P.E.

Learning Area Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of physical fitness and physical activity in achieving, sustaining, and promoting an active life for fitness and health
Key Stage Standards
Grade Level | Grade Level Standards |
Grade 1 | The learner demonstrates understanding of body awareness, space awareness, qualities of effort and movement relationships through participation in enjoyable physical activities. |
Grade 2 | The learner demonstrates understanding of body awareness, space awareness, qualities of effort and movement relationships through participation in enjoyable physical activities. |
Grade 3 | The learner demonstrates understanding of body awareness, space awareness, qualities of effort and movement relationships through participation in enjoyable physical activities. |
Grade 4 | The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of physical activity and physical fitness through participation in and assessment of physical activities |
Grade 5 | The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of physical activity and physical fitness through participation in and assessment of physical activities |
Grade 6 | The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of physical activity and physical fitness through participation in and assessment of physical activities |
Grade 7 | The learner demonstrates understanding of personal fitness in achieving an active lifestyle |
Grade 8 | The learner demonstrates understanding of family and school fitness in sustaining an active lifestyle |
Grade 9 | The learner demonstrates understanding of community fitness in sustaining and promoting an active lifestyle |
Grade 10 | The learner demonstrates understanding of societal fitness in promoting an active lifestyle. |
Key Stage 1
Table 1a – Scope and Sequence of Physical Education from Grades 1-3
Note: The scope and sequence for Grades 1 to 3 activities are integrative and inclusive in context
Key Stage 2
Table 1a – Scope and Sequence of Physical Education from Grades 4-6
Note: The scope and sequence for Grades 4 to 6 are focused on health and skill enhancing activities, ensuring that they are integrative and inclusive in context.
Key Stage 3
Table 1d – Scope and Sequence of Physical Education from Grades 7-10
Note: The scope and sequence for Grades 7 to 10 are thematically organized; ensure that they are integrative and inclusive context
Source: DepED – K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide