K to 12 Agri-Fishery Arts – Agricultural Crops Production (NC II) Curriculum Guide

March 13, 2022

Agricultural Crops Production (NC II)

This course is designed to develop the knowledge, skills, and desirable attitudes of an individual in the field of Agricultural Crops Production National Certificate Level II (NC II). The student is expected to demonstrate common competencies in applying safety measures in farm operations, use farm tools and equipment, estimate and calculate, and process farm waste. It also includes the development of core competencies such as performing nursery operations, planting crops, caring for and maintaining crops, and carry out harvest and postharvest activities.



LO 1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs) needed in agricultural crops production
1.1 Compare one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur
1.2 Align one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur
1.3 Assess one’s PECs
1.4 Assess practitioner’s PECs

LO 2. Develop and strengthen personal competencies and skills (PECs) needed in agricultural crops production
2.1 Identify areas for improvement, development and growth
2.2 Align one’s PECs according to his/her business/career choice
2.3 Create a plan of action that ensures success of his/her business/career choice


LO 1. Recognize and understand the market in agricultural crops production
1.1 Identify the players/ competitors within the town
1.2 Identify the different products/services available in the market

LO 2. Recognize the potential customer/ market in agricultural crops production
2.1 Profile potential customers
2.2 Identify the customer’s needs and wants through consumer analysis
2.3 Conduct consumer/market analysis

LO 3. Create new business ideas in agricultural crops production by using various techniques
3.1 Explore ways of generating business ideas from ones’ own characteristics/attributes
3.2 Generate business ideas using product innovation from irritants, trends, and emerging needs
3.3 Generate business ideas using Serendipity Walk

LO 4. Develop a product/service in agricultural crops production
4.1 Identify what is of “value” to the customer
4.2 Identify the customer
4.3 Explain what makes a product unique and competitive
4.4 Apply creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable product
4.5 Employ a USP to the product/service

LO 5. Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set
5.1 Enumerate various criteria and steps in selecting a business idea
5.2 Apply the criteria/steps in selecting a viable business idea
5.3 Determine a business idea based on the criteria/techniques set

LO 6. Develop a brand for the product
6.1 Identify the benefits of having a good brand
6.2 Enumerate recognizable brands in the town/province
6.3 Enumerate criteria for developing a brand
6.4 Generate a clear appeal



LO 1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures
1.1 Identify work tasks in line with farm operations
1.2 Determine place for safety measures in line with farm operations
1.3 Determine time for safety measures in line with farm operations
1.4 Prepare appropriate tools, materials, and outfits in line with job requirements

LO 2. Apply appropriate safety measures
2.1 Use tools and materials according to specifications and procedures
2.2 Wear outfits according to farm requirements.
2.3 Observe strictly the effectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials.
2.4 Follow emergency procedures to ensure a safe work requirement.
2.5 Report hazards in the workplace in line with farm guidelines.

LO 3. Safekeep/dispose of tools, materials, and outfit
3.1 Perform cleaning and storing of used tools and outfit in designated areas
3.2 Perform labeling and storing of unused materials according to manufacturer’s recommendation and farm requirements
3.3 Perform proper disposal of waste materials according to manufacturers, government, and farm requirements


LO 1. Select and use farm tools
1.1 Identify appropriate farm tools according to requirement/use
1.2 Report for faults and defects of farm tools in accordance with farm procedures
1.3 Follow safety procedures in using appropriate tools according to job requirements and manufacturer’s conditions

LO 2. Select and operate farm equipment
2.1 Identify appropriate farm equipment
2.2 Read carefully instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment prior to operation
2.3 Conduct pre-operation checkup in line with manufacturer’s manual
2.4 Report faults in farm equipment in line with farm procedures
2.5 Perform farm equipment operation according to their function
2.6 Follow safety procedures in operating farm equipment

LO 3. Perform preventive maintenance
3.1 Perform routine checkup and maintenance of tools and equipment
3.2 Store tools and equipment in designated areas in line with farm procedures


LO 1. Perform estimation
1.1 Identify job requirements from written or oral communications
1.2 Estimate quantities of materials and resources require to complete a work task
1.3 Estimate the time needed to complete a work activity
1.4 Estimate farm inputs and labor requirements for work completion
1.5 Report estimate of materials and resources to appropriate person

LO 2. Perform basic workplace calculation
2.1 Identify calculations to be made according to job requirements.
2.2 Identify correct method of calculation.
2.3 Follow ascertain system and units of measurement.
2.4 Perform calculation needed to complete work tasks using the four basic process of addition, division, multiplication and subtraction.
2.5 Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed number to complete the task.


LO 1. Collect farm waste
1.1 Prepare tools and materials for collection of farm waste
1.2 Collect waste following OSHS and waste collection requirements and plan
1.3 Collect dangerous and hazardous wastes following the HAZMAT protocol
1.4 Wear appropriate PPE as prescribed by OSHS

LO 2. Identify and segregate wastes
2.1 Identify waste by categories according to industry standards and environmental legislation
2.2 Perform waste segregation according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation
2.3 Placing sorted waste into labeled container to avoid littering and prevent cross-contamination
2.4 Obtain information on waste by asking authority to ensure correct identification

LO 3. Treat and process farm wastes
3.1 Handle dangerous and hazardous wastes according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation following OSHS procedures
3.2 Process farm waste following environmental legislation and codes
3.3 Apply principles of 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) accordingly
3.4 Dispose of processed farm waste according to environmental legislation and codes

LO 4. Perform housekeeping
4.1 Display appropriate warning signs and labels in conspicuous places around the workplace
4.2 Clean work area according to 5S principles
4.3 Check, clean, and stow away tools according to established industry procedures and following user’s manual
4.4 Store materials following industry standard procedures and manufacturer’s specifications
4.5 Check PPE for damage and ensure that clean and undamaged equipment is properly stored
4.6 Perform record keeping according to industry requirements


LO 1. Carry out inventory activities
1.1 Determine inventory inputs according to enterprise requirements
1.2 Determine defective tools and equipment according to operation manuals
1.3 Inspect facilities according to standard codes and laws

LO2. Maintain production record
2.1 Prepare production plan according to enterprise requirements
2.2 Prepare schedule for production activities based from enterprise requirements and plan
2.3 Prepare production report in accordance with enterprise reporting procedures
2.4 Monitor input and production using monitoring chart

LO 3. Prepare financial records
3.1 Compute production cost using established computation procedures
3.2 Compute revenue using established computation procedures



LO 1. Prepare nursery tools, farm implements, and simple equipment
1.1 Prepare tools, farm implements, and simple equipment according to work requirements
1.2 Perform basic pre-operative checking of tools, farm implements and equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s manual and Phil GAP (Philippine Good Agricultural Practices) standard
1.3 Perform segregation and treatment of tools with wear and corrosion according to maintenance plan and procedures
LO 2. Maintain nursery facilities
2.1 Perform maintenance of nursery cleanliness and sanitation according to Phil GAP standard
2.2 Perform repair and maintenance of nursery facilities to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness
2.3 Apply preventive measures for inclement weather
2.4 Practice safety measures according to OSHS

LO 3. Handle seeds/planting materials
3.1 Determine planting materials according to kinds and varieties
3.2 Select quality seeds according to prescribed characteristics
3.3 Conduct seed testing to determine the percentage germination of the seedstock in accordance with the standard procedures
3.4 Treat planting materials following standard protocol
3.5 Perform seed scarification for germination purposes based on type of crop

LO 4. Prepare growing media
4.1 Prepare growing media according to prescribed mixture and crop requirement
4.2 Perform placing of growing media in prescribed containers according to crop requirements
4.3 Perform arranging and labeling containers according to varieties/species
4.4 Prepare seedbed based on crop species

LO 5. Conduct propagation activities
5.1. Set up nursery shed according to plant requirement
5.2. Select quality seedlings based on prescribed characteristics
5.3. Select propagation materials according to propagation activity
5.4. Perform plant propagation techniques based on recommended practices
5.5. Maintain germinated seedlings until fully established
5.6. Prick and thin seedlings based on recommended practices.


LO 1. Prepare land for planting
1.1 Prepare tools, materials, and equipment for land clearing
1.2 Clear the land according to prescribed methods of land preparation
1.3 Remove and dispose of debris according to waste management standards
1.4 Collect soil samples for analysis based on standard procedure
1.5 Conduct land preparation according to crop requirement
1.6 Apply basal fertilizer based on crop requirement
1.7 Follow safety procedures for fertilizer application according to OHS standards

LO 2. Conduct field lay-out
2.1 Prepare tools and materials for field layout
2.2 Interpret field layout plan according to the recommended planting system
2.3 Lay out field according to recommended planting system

LO 3. Dig holes
3.1 Dig holes based on crop requirement
3.2 Separate top soil to be used in covering the hole after planting
3.3 Apply basal fertilizer based on recommended amount

LO 4. Perform direct seeding
4.1 Perform planting seeds according to recommended rate, distance, and depth
4.2 Perform replant according to recommended practices for a particular crop
4.3 Follow safety procedures according to OSHS and Phil GAP.


LO 1. Apply pest control measure
1.1 Perform monitoring of pests incidence based on prescribed procedure
1.2 Prepare tools and materials according to specific pest control measure
1.3 Follow appropriate pest control measures based on Phil GAP
1.4 Practice safety measures according to
1.5 OHS procedures

LO 2. Apply fertilizer
2.1 Prepare tools and materials in fertilizer application according to prescribed user’s manual
2.2 Identify fertilizers based on kinds.
2.3 Apply fertilizer rates based on crop requirements
2.4 Employ appropriate method of fertilizer application based on crop requirements
2.5 Apply precautionary measures to avoid cross-contamination based on Phil GAP
2.6 Follow safety procedures according to OSHS

LO 3. Water crops
3.1 Determine soil moisture content based on soil field capacity
3.2 Perform watering following the prescribed method and schedule.
3.3 Observe Good Agricultural Practices.

LO 4. Perform pruning
4.1 Prepare tools and materials for pruning.
4.2 Perform pruning method according to crops.
4.3 Follow safety procedures according to OSHS and PNS:PAES 101

LO 5. Perform physical growth-enhancing practices
5.1 Prepare tools and equipment for cultivation according to PNS: PAES 101
5.2 Carry out cultivation practices based on crop requirement
5.3 Perform rejuvenating activities according to established cultural practices
5.4 Perform growth training technique for different crops
5.5 Carry out mulching techniques based on crops
5.6 Follow safety procedures according to OSHS


LO 1. Perform preharvest operations
1.1 Identify crop maturity according to parameters affecting physiological growth and physical indicators
1.2 Verify records of maturity of agricultural/agronomic crop history
1.3 Perform removal of obstructions from the field for efficient harvesting
1.4 Prepare harvesting tools and materials, and temporary shed
1.5 Check records regarding crops to be harvested

LO 2. Perform harvesting activity
2.1 Implement appropriate harvesting methods based on best cultural practices for each crop using suitable tools
2.2 Properly handle crops according to postharvest treatment
2.3 Harvest crops based on maturity indices and characteristics affecting harvest quality
2.4 Harvest crops while observing Phil GAP principles

LO 3. Perform post-harvest operation
3.1 Employ postharvest operations based on standard procedures
3.2 Monitor postharvest equipment to avoid damage to crops in line with manufacturer/enterprise procedures
3.3 Handle and package according to variety and destination
3.4 Store and stack crops in cool dry place prior to distribution in line with enterprise procedures

LO 4. Monitor storage pest and diseases
4.1 Identify pests and diseases based on references for storage
4.2 Record and report identified storage pests and diseases to immediate authority

Source: DepED – K to 12 Agri-Fishery Arts – Agricultural Crops Production (NC II) Curriculum Guide

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  1. [email protected] Author

    Thank you for creating AFA-ACP (NCII) curriculum guide. I really appreciated you of providing CG for AFA_ACp(NCII). God bless !

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