Animal Production (Swine) NC II Curriculum Guide
This course leads to Animal Production (Swine) National Certificate Level II (NC II).
It covers the common competencies such as:
(1) application of safety measures in farm operations,
(2) use of farm tools and equipment,
(3) performance of estimations and calculations,
(4) processing farm waste, and
core competencies such as:
(1) handling breeders,
(2) handling farrowing sows and sucklings,
(3) raising weanlings,
(4) producing finishers,
(5) maintaining a healthy animal environment, and
(6) application of bio-security measures,
with a nominal duration of 320 hours.
The learners…
1. Explain basic concepts in animal production
2. Discuss the relevance of the course
3. Explore career opportunities in animal production
LO 1. Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECs) needed in animal production
1.1 Compare one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur
1.2 Align one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur
1.3 Assess one’s PECs
1.4 Assess practitioner’s PECs
LO 2. Develop and strengthen personal
competencies and skills (PECs) needed in animal production
2.1 Identify areas for improvement, development and growth
2.2 Align one’s PECs according to his/her business/career choice
2.3 Create a plan of action that ensures success of his/her business/career choice
LO 1. Recognize and understand the market in animal production
1.1 Identify the players/ competitors within the town
1.2 Identify the different products/services available in the market
LO 2. Recognize the potential customer/market in animal production
2.1 Profile potential customers
2.2 Identify the customer’s needs and wants through consumer analysis
2.3 Conduct consumer/market analysis
LO 3. Create new business ideas in animal production by using various techniques
3.1 Explore ways of generating business ideas from ones’ own characteristics/attributes
3.2 Generate business ideas using product innovation from irritants, trends, and emerging needs
3.3 Generate business ideas using Serendipity Walk
LO 4. Develop a product/service in animal production
4.1 Identify what is of “value” to the customer
4.2 Identify the customer
4.3 Explain what makes a product unique and competitive
4.4 Apply creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable product
4.5 Employ a USP to the product/service
LO 5. Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set
5.1 Enumerate various criteria and steps in selecting a business idea
5.2 Apply the criteria/steps in selecting a viable business idea
5.3 Determine a business idea based on the criteria/techniques set
LO 6. Develop a brand for the product
6.1 Identify the benefits of having a good brand
6.2 Enumerate recognizable brands in the town/province
6.3 Enumerate criteria for developing a brand
6.4 Generate a clear appeal
LO 1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures
1.1 Identify work tasks in line with farm operations
1.2 Determine place for safety measures in line with farm operations
1.3 Determine time for safety measures in line with farm operations
1.4 Prepare appropriate tools, materials and outfits in line with job requirements
LO 2. Apply appropriate safety measures
2.1 Use tools and materials according to the specification and procedure
2.2 Wear outfits according to the farm requirements
2.3 Strictly observe the shelf life/expiration of the materials
2.4 Follow emergency procedures to ensure the seat work requirements
2.5 Identify and report the hazard in the work place in line with the guidelines
LO 3. Safe keep/dispose tools, materials and outfit
3.1 Clean and store used tools and outfit after use in designated areas
3.2 Label and store unused materials according to manufacturer’s recommendation and farm requirements
3.3 Dispose waste materials according to manufacturer’s, government, and farm requirements
LO 1. Select and use farm tools
1.1 Identify appropriate farm tools according to requirement/use
1.2 Check farm tools for defects
1.3 Report defective farm tools in accordance with farm procedures
1.4 Use appropriate tools and equipment according to job requirements and manufacturers conditions
LO 2.Select and operate farm equipment
2.1 Identify appropriate farm equipment
2.2 Read carefully instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment prior to operation
2.3 Conduct pre-operation checkup in line with manufacturers manual
2.4 Identify and reports defects in farm equipment in line with farm procedures
2.5 Use farm equipment according to its function
2.6 Follow safety procedures
LO 3. Perform preventive maintenance
3.1 Clean tools and equipment immediately after use in line with farm procedures
3.2 Perform routine checkup and maintenance
3.3 Store tools and equipment in designated areas in line with farm procedures
LO 1. Perform estimation
1.1 Identify job requirements from written or oral communications
1.2 Estimate quantities and resources and time required to complete a task
1.3 Calculate the duration of work completion
1.4 Report the estimated materials and resources to appropriate person
LO 2. Perform basic workplace calculation
2.1 Identify calculations to be made according to the job requirement
2.2 Identify correct methods of calculation
2.3 Ascertain systems and units of measurement to be followed
2.4 Perform calculations needed to complete a task using the four basic mathematical operations
2.5 Use fraction and percentage or mixed in calculating to complete the instruction
2.6 Employ different techniques in checking accuracy of result
LO 1. Collect farm waste
1.1 Prepare tools and materials for collection of farm waste
1.2 Collect waste following OSHS and waste collection requirements and plan
1.3 Collect dangerous and hazardous wastes following the HAZMAT protocol
1.4 Wear appropriate PPE as prescribed by OSHS.
LO 2. Identify and segregate wastes
2.1 Identify waste by category according to industry standards and environmental legislation
2.2 Segregate waste according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation
2.3 Sorted waste is placed in properly labeled container to avoid littering and cross-contamination
2.4 Obtain information on waste by asking authority to ensure correct identification
LO 3. Treat and process farm wastes
3.1 Handle dangerous and hazardous waste according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation following OSHS procedures
3.2 Apply principles of 3Rs accordingly
3.3 Dispose of farm waste according to environmental legislation and codes
LO 4. Perform housekeeping
4.1 Display appropriate warming signs and labels in conspicuous places around the worksite
4.2 Clean the work area according to 5S principle
4.3 Check, clean, and stow tools according to established industry procedure and fallowing user’s manual
4.4 Store materials following industry standard procedures and manufacture’s specifications
4.5 Check damaged PPE and ensure that clean and undamaged equipment is stored 4.6 Keep record according to industry requirements.
LO 1.Perform preparatory breeding activities
1.1 Acclimatize newly arrived stocks following industry standards as prescribed by veterinarian or an animal health official
1.2 Give the animal routine medication as prescribed by veterinarian
1.3 Select a suitable breed based on the industry standard and choice of enterprise
1.4 Select breeder stocks based on industry and enterprise standards
LO 2. Breed sows and gilts
2.1 Monitor signs of heat based on standards protocol
2.2 Perform heat-detection technique following established protocol
2.3 Breed sows/gilts using breeding systems based on choice of enterprise
LO 3. Prepare and train boar for breeding
3.1 Train boar to mount a female or a dummy sow
3.2 Give boar prescribed vaccine and medication
3.3 Determine ideal weight and age according industry standard
3.1 Observe optimum boar-to-sow ratio following standard monitoring scheme
LO 4. Monitor signs of pregnancy
4.1 Monitor signs of pregnancy according to standards protocol
4.2 Perform pregnancy diagnosis according to standard procedures
LO 5. Maintain and monitor animal health condition
5.1 Perform periodic activities following work plan and breeding schedules
5.2 Feed animal stocks based on physiological growths and production cycle
5.3 Select nonperforming breeders for culling based on industry standards
5.4 Monitor changes in animal behavior following standard procedures and GAHP
LO 6. Record Data
6.1 Update stock inventory according to established farm recording system
6.2 Monitor and record breeding schedule following work plan
6.3 Record production performance of breeders according to enterprise protocol
LO 1. Prepare animals for farrowing
1.1 Clean and disinfect farrowing stalls or pens following the standard hygienic procedures
1.2 Bathe sows following Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP)
1.3 Transfer pregnant sows to farrowing stalls or pens according to industry standards
1.4 Determine feed intake based on the protocol
1.5 Monitor signs of approaching farrowing
1.6 Prepare farrowing materials and supplies based on the work requirements
1.7 Wear appropriate PPE following OSHS
LO 2. Perform farrowing-related activities
2.1 Monitor farrowing problems following enterprise protocol
2.2 Adjust feed intake based on nutrient requirements of animals
2.3 Assist the sow or gilt based on the animal requirement
2.4 Conduct management of newborn piglets according to GAHP
2.5 Dispose of placenta and dead piglets following DENR regulations
LO 3. Raise piglets to weaning
3.1 Provide proper temperature/micro climate based on the minimum requirements for animal welfare of pigs and GAHP
3.2 Ensure colostrum and milk intake based from GAHP
3.3 Inject iron preparations based on industry standards and manufacturer’s specification
3.4 Castrate male animals based on the minimum requirement for the welfare of pigs and GAHP
3.5 Feed piglets based on their physiological growth requirements
3.6 Wean piglets based on industry standards
LO 4. Maintain Health
4.1 Monitor changes in piglet behavior following enterprise protocol
4.2 Monitor animal condition through changes in fecal color, odor, and consistency of piglets
4.3 Monitor uniformity of litter based on the enterprise requirements
4.4 Monitor sow discharges following instructions of veterinarian
4.5 Implement vaccination based on veterinary recommendation
LO 5. Record data
5.1 Update farrowing card following enterprise procedures
5.2 Monitor farrowing schedules with reference to work plan
5.3 Record production performance and reported to immediate authority
LO 1. Prepare piglets for weaning
1.1 Clean and disinfect pens based on farm specifications
1.2 Adjust and supply materials and equipment
1.3 Group weaners based on the farm specifications
1.4 Transfer weaners in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act
1.5 Feed animals according to requirement
LO 2. Maintain conducive atmosphere and facilities for feeding
2.1 Clean pen regularly following standard hygienic procedures
2.2 Provide proper temperature based on the Minimum Standards on the Welfare of Pigs GAHP
2.3 Check and adjust feeders to ensure proper functioning
2.4 Shift and increase feed ration based on animal requirements
2.5 Provide fresh and clean water at all times (adlibitum)
LO 3. Maintain health of newly weaned piglets
3.1 Monitor animal condition following enterprise procedures
3.2 Monitor uniformity of litter following farm procedures
3.3 Deworm weaners based on farm protocols
3.4 Implement vaccination programs based on veterinary recommendations
LO 4. Record data
4.1 Update weanling records using standard enterprise
4.2 Monitor weaning schedule
4.3 Monitor production performance of weanlings according to enterprise procedures
LO 1. Prepare animals for finishing
1.1 Select suitable growers for finishing based on weight and age
1.2 Disinfect and clean finishers building following enterprise procedures
1.3 Adjust and supply materials and equipment according to the work requirements
1.4 Group growers based on industry standards and enterprise specifications
1.5 Transfer growers based on the Minimum Standards on the Welfare of Pigs and Code of Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP
LO 2. Maintain conducive atmosphere and facilities
2.1 Clean pen regularly following hygienic procedures
2.2 Provide and monitor proper temperature based on the minimum standards on the welfare of the pigs and GAHP
2.3 Check the height of the drinker and adjust to ensure proper functioning based on the Minimum Standard on the Welfare of Pigs and GAHP
2.4 Provide enough space based on the Minimum Standard on the welfare of Pigs and GAHP
2.5 Isolate weak animals based on industry standard
LO 3. Feed Finishers
3.1 Check and adjust feeders to ensure proper functioning
3.2 Feed animals according to a standard feeding system
3.3 Adjust feed ration and shift based on farm protocols and physiological growth and veterinarian instruction
3.4 Withdraw medicated feeds according to veterinarian’s instruction
LO 4. Maintain herd health care and medication program
4.1 Monitor changes in animal behavior following Animal Welfare Act and GAHP
4.2 Monitor changes in posture of animal based on the Animal Welfare Act and GAHP
4.3 Monitor changes in respiration of animal According to Animal Welfare Act and GAHP
4.4 Monitor changes in skin color of the animal According to Animal Welfare Act and GAHP
4.5 Monitor uniformity of the stocks
4.6 Implement vaccination and medication programs based on the veterinarian instructions
LO 5. Prepare animals for marketing
5.2 Determine animal weight using weighing scale
5.3 Prepare marketable animals and reserved following marketing requirements and procedures
5.4 Prepare loading facility and ramp with reference to Animal Welfare Act
5.5 Move the animal to loading facility following the Animal Welfare Act
5.6 Clean and disinfect the transportation vehicle prior to entering farm premises in the line with GAHP
LO 6. Record Data
6.1 Update finishing records following enterprise protocol
6.2 Monitor production parameters for finishers with reference to production requirements
LO 1. Maintain relative humidity
1.1 Measure relative humidity using hygrometer for calibration
1.2 Adjust curtains and blowers following production requirements
1.3 Follow monitoring schedules for RH readings according to work plan
LO 2. Control temperature
2.1 Measure temperature using thermometer
2.2 Adjust curtains, blowers, and window shutter following production requirements
2.3 Follow monitoring schedule for temperature reading according to work plan
2.4 Implement contingency procedure in extreme condition
LO 3. Sustain air quality
3.1 Evaluate approximate air quality using sensory means
3.2 Recognize common air pollutants following standard procedure
3.3 Identify neutralize and remove sources of air pollutants according to DENR standards
3.4 Refer affected animals to veterinarian
LO 4. Sustain water quality
4.1 Observe schedule for routine testing of water according to work plan
4.2 Collect water sample properly according to establish protocol
4.3 Submit water sample for testing to authority
4.4 Regularly clean and disinfect pipes and tanks according to established protocols
LO 5. Maintain ventilation
5.1 Perform curtain management according to the animal requirements
5.2 Do the maintenance of blower regularly
LO 6. Control Vermin
6.1 Eliminate breeding places of vermin following enterprise procedure
6.2 Properly dispose of farm waste that attracts vermin
6.3 Check and repair perimeter fences routinely to prevent entry of stray animals
6.4 Apply appropriate chemicals according to the FPA guidelines
6.5 Eliminate mosquito breeding grounds following standard procedures
LO 1. Identify bio-security threats and hazards
1.1 Identify immediate threats to the health of the animal and report to immediate authority
1.2 Identify bio-security threats based o
LO 2. Apply disease prevention practices
2.1 Prepare and apply disinfectants according to the standard operating procedure
2.2 Prepare and monitor vehicle and footbath disinfection regularly according to standard operating practices
2.3 Follow the hygiene and sanitation of farm personnel and visitors based on the standard operating practices
2.4 Disinfect all types of vehicle and equipment entering the farm according to standard operating procedures
2.5 Quarantine and vaccinate the new stocks to be introduced into the herd according to standard operating procedures
2.6 Implement vaccination and health program as instructed by veterinarian
LO. 3. Apply preventive disease transmission practices
3.1 Collect and prepare sample for serological monitoring of notifiable diseases
3.2 Follow the preventive measures on notifiable diseases as declared by BAI based on the industry standards
3.3 Follow medication and vaccination strictly as recommended by manufacturer and veterinarian
3.4 Cull and isolate sick and unfit animal in accordance with Animal Welfare Act and standard operating procedures
3.5 Dispose of dead stocks and by- products properly
3.6 Clean and disinfect properly tools and equipment used in handling sick and dead animals
3.7 Communicate regularly with a supervising veterinarian or supervisor based on industry standards
LO 4. Maintain records
4.1 Collect and update appropriate records in checklist format accordance with organizational policy
4.2 Report to veterinarian or supervisor according to industry standards
Technology-Livelihood Education and Technical-Vocational Track specializations may be taken between Grades 9 to 12.
Schools may offer specializations from the four strands as long as the minimum number of hours for each specialization is met.
Please refer to the sample Curriculum Map on the next page for the number of semesters per Agri-Fishery Arts specialization and those that have pre-requisites. Curriculum Maps may be modified according to specializations offered by a school.
Source: K to 12 Agri-Fishery Arts – Animal Production (Swine) NC II Curriculum Guide