Fishery Arts –Animal Health Care and Management (NC III) Curriculum Guide
This specialization course on Animal Health Care and Management leads to National Certificate Level III (NC 3). It is designed for students to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with industry standards.
It covers basic competencies such as:
(1) leading work place communication,
(2) leading small team,
(3) developing and practicing negotiation skills,
(4) solving problems related to work activities,
(5) using mathematical concepts and techniques, and
(6) using relevant technologies.
The core competencies include the skills, such as:
(1) restraining and handling livestock,
(2) applying bio-security measures;
(3) administering drugs and biologics;
(4) handling and storing drugs and biologics; and
(5) collecting and handling specimen.
1. Explain basic concepts in Animal Health Care and Management.
2. Discuss the relevance of the course.
3. Explore career opportunities in Animal Health Care and Management
LO 1. Develop and Strengthen Personal Competencies and Skills (PECS) needed Animal Health Care and Management.
1.1. Identify and assess one’s PECS: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits.
1.2. Identify successful entrepreneurs/employees in the province.
1.3. Identify and assess a practitioner’s PECS: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits.
1.4. Compare self with a practitioner.
1.5. Identify areas for improvement, development and growth.
LO 1. Recognize and understand the market for Animal Health Care.
1.1 Identify the players/ competitors within the province.
1.2 Identify the different products/services available in the market.
1.3 Enumerate the differences between these products/ services.
LO 2. Develop a product for the Animal Health Care.
2.1 Identify what is of “Value” to the customer.
2.2 Identify the Customer.
2.3 Define and identify what makes a product different.
2.4 Enumerate and apply creativity and innovation techniques to develop a product that stands out.
2.5 Identify the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the product.
LO 3. Select a business idea for the
Animal Health Care market based on the criteria and techniques provided
3.1 Identify potential business ideas to select from.
3.2 Enumerate the various criteria.
LO 4. Develop a brand for the product.
4.1 Identify the benefits of having a good brand.
4.2 Enumerate recognizable brands in the town/province.
4.3 Enumerate the criteria for developing a brand.
4.4 Generate a brand that is clear and follows the techniques of generating a brand.
LO 1. Lead workplace communication.
1.1 Select appropriate communication method.
1.2 Communicate multiple operations involving several topic/areas.
1.3 Use questions to gain extra information.
1.4 Identify correct sources of information.
1.5 Select information and sequence correctly when required.
1.6 Maintain verbal and written reporting in both familiar and unfamiliar situations.
LO 2. Lead workplace discussion.
2.1 Provide right response to workplace issues.
2.2 Discuss constructive contributions are made to workplace such issues as production, quality and safety.
2.3 Communicate goals and aims of actions under taken in the workplace.
LO 3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace.
3.1 Identify issues and problems as they arise.
3.2 Organize information regarding problems and issues coherently to ensure clear and effective communication.
3.3 Initiate dialog with appropriate personnel.
3.4 Address communication problems and issues as they arise.
LO 1. Provide team leadership.
1.1 Identify work requirements and prescribed to remember.
1.2 Disseminate reasons for instruction and requirements properly to team members.
1.3 Recognize and discuss team member’s questions, problems, concerns and dealt accordingly
LO 2. Assign responsibilities among members.
2.1 Allocate duties and responsibilities in respect to the skills, knowledge and attitude of every team member.
2.2 Allocate duties that are having regard to individual preference, domestic and personal considerations.
2.3 Identify and define properly the duties and responsibilities of each member.
LO 3. Set performance expectation for team members.
3.1 Establish performance expectations based on client needs and according to assigned requirements.
3.2 Perform expectations based on individual team member’s duties and responsibilities.
3.3 Discuss and disseminate performance expectations of individual team member
LO 4. Supervise team performance.
4.1 Define monitor team member’s performance in respect to the performance criteria.
4.2 Provide team members with feedback, positive support and advice on strategies to overcome any difficulties.
4.3 Inform team members of any change in
the priority allocated to assignment or task.
4.4 Provide communication follow-up on all issues affecting the team.
LO 1. Plan negotiations.
1.1 Identify information in preparation for negotiation.
1.2 Include information in the preparation for negation plan.
1.3 Identify information on creating nonverbal environments for positive negotiations.
1.4 Include information on creating non-verbal environments for positive negotiation plan.
1.5 Identify information on different questioning techniques included in the plan.
LO 2. Participate in negotiations.
2.1 Create an agreement for the criteria for successful outcome for all parties.
2.2 Consider desired outcome of all parties.
2.3 Use appropriate language throughout the negotiation.
2.4 Prepare documents and agreement for issues and processes agreed upon by all parties.
2.5 Discuss possible solutions and assess their viability.
2.6 Confirm and record areas for agreement.
2.7 Follow-up action is agreed upon by all parties.
LO 1. Explain the analytical techniques.
1.1 Explain the importance and application of analytical techniques.
1.2 Define analytical techniques such as brainstorming, cause and effects diagrams, PARETO analysis, SWOT analysis, Gantt Chart, PERT CPM and graphs, and scatter grams.
LO 2. Identify the problem.
2.1 Identify variances from normal operating parameters and product quality.
2.2 Define extent, cause, and nature of the problem on observation, investigation and analytical techniques.
2.3 State problems clearly. Specify the problems.
LO 3. Determine the possible cause/s of the problem.
3.1 Identify possible cause/s of problem based on experience and the use of problem solving tools/analytical techniques.
3.2 Develop possible cause of problem statements.
3.3 Explain fundamental causes of the problem.
LO 1. Identify mathematical tools and techniques to solve problems.
1.1 Identify problem areas based on given condition.
1.2 Select mathematical techniques based on the given problem.
LO 2. Apply mathematical procedure/solution.
2.1 Apply mathematical techniques based on the problem identified.
2.2 Perform mathematical computations to the level of accuracy required for the problem.
2.3 Determine the results of mathematical computation based on job requirements.
2.4 Verify the results of mathematical computation based on job requirements.
LO 1. Study/select appropriate technology.
1.1 Study appropriate technology based on work requirements.
1.2 Identify appropriate technology based on work requirements.
1.3 Select appropriate technology based on work requirements.
LO 2. Apply relevant technology.
2.1 Use relevant technology in carrying out function based on work requirements.
2.2 Use applicable software and hardware as per job requirement.
2.3 Observe management concepts as per established industry practices.
LO 3. Maintain/enhance relevant technology.
3.1 Apply maintenance of technology in accordance with the industry standard operating guidelines and occupational health and safety procedure.
3.2 Maintain updating of technology through continuing education or training in accordance with job requirement.
3.3 Report immediately appropriate action for technology failure/defect to the concerned/responsible person or section.
LO1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures
1.1 Identify work tasks in line with safe work operations.
1.2 Determine place for safety measures in line with safe work operations.
1.3 Determine time for safety measures in line with safe work operations.
1.4 Prepare appropriate tools, materials and outfits in line with job requirements.
LO2. Apply appropriate safety measures
2.1 Use tools and materials according to specification and procedures.
2.2 Wear outfits according to work requirements.
2.3 Strictly observe lifespan of materials
2.4 Follow emergency procedures to ensure safe work efficiency.
2.5 Identify and report hazards in the work place in line with industry guidelines.
LO3. Safe keep/dispose tools, materials and outfit
3.1 Clean used tools and outfits.
3.2 Store tools and outfits in the designated areas.
3.3 Properly label unused materials
3.4 Store unused materials according to manufacturer’s recommendation and requirements.
3.5 Dispose waste materials according to manufacturers, government and industry requirements.
LO1. Select and use tools.
1.1 Appropriately identify tools according to requirement.
1.2 Check tools.
1.3 Report defective tools in accordance with the industry procedures.
1.4 Safely use appropriate tools and equipment according to job requirement and manufacturer’s conditions.
LO2. Select and operate equipment
2.1 Identify equipment to be used as per work requirements.
2.2 Carefully read instructional manual of the tools and equipment prior to operation.
2.3 Conduct pre-operation check-up in line with manufacturer’s manual.
2.4 Identify faults in equipment in line with industry procedures.
2.5 Report faults in equipment in line with industry procedures.
LO 3. Perform preventive maintenance.
3.1 Clean tools and equipment immediately after use in line with farm procedures.
3.2 Perform routine check-up and maintenance.
3.3 Store tools and equipment in designated areas in line with farm procedures.
LO1. Perform estimation
1.1 Identify job requirements from written or oral communications.
1.2 Estimate quantities of materials and resources required to complete the work task.
1.3 Estimate the time needed to complete a work activity.
1.4 Make accurate estimation or work completion.
1.5 Report estimate of materials and resources to appropriate person.
LO2. Perform basic workplace calculation
2.1 Identify calculations to be made according to job requirements
2.2 Identify correct method of calculation
2.3 Ascertain system and units of measurement to be followed
2.4 Perform calculation needed to complete work task using the four basic
mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
2.5 Perform computation involving fractions, percentage and mixed numbers
LO1. Select animals and observe its conditions.
1.1 Select the candidate livestock according to instruction and specification of supervisor/veterinarian.
1.2 Determine the stage of production of identified animal based on observation and records.
1.3 Observe the prevailing condition in terms of animal grouping.
1.4 Report the prevailing condition in terms of animal grouping.
LO 2. Apply appropriate handling and restraining technique.
2.1 Handle the animal following the standard operating procedures to minimize animal stress.
2.2 Select restraining technique based on the degree of restraint needed.
2.3 Prepare tools, and equipment, supplies and materials according to restraining technique to be applied.
2.4 Execute the chosen technique in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act.
LO 1. Identify bio-security threats and hazards.
1.1 Identify the immediate threats on the health of an animal.
1.2 Report based on observation.
1.3 Identify bio-security threats based on established organizational policy.
LO 2. Apply disease prevention practices.
2.1 Prepare the supplies and materials.
2.2 Apply disinfectants according to standard operating procedures.
2.3 Prepare the vehicle baths, foot baths regularly according to standard operating practices.
2.4 Monitor the vehicle bath, foot baths regularly according to standard operating practices.
2.5 Follow strictly the proper hygiene and sanitation of farm, farm personnel visitors based on and visitors based on standard operating procedures.
2.6 Disinfect vehicles and equipment entering/used in the farm according to standard operating procedures.
2.7 Vaccinate the stocks properly procedures.
2.8 Implement strict vaccination/medication programs as designed by a veterinarian.
LO 3. Apply preventive disease transmission practices.
3.1 Follow the preventive measures on notifiable diseases as declared by BAI based on industry and BAI standards.
3.2 Strictly follow the medication and vaccination programs recommended by manufacturers and veterinarians.
3.3 Isolate the sick and unfit animals In accordance to animal welfare act or standard operating procedures.
3.4 Dispose dead animals and by-products using proper disposal method.
3.5 Communicate regularly with supervising veterinarian or as the need arises based on observation.
LO 4. Maintain records.
4.1 Collect appropriate records regularly in accordance with organizational policy.
4.2 Update appropriate records regularly in accordance with organizational policy.
4.3 Analyze appropriate records regularly in accordance with organizational policy.
4.4 Keep appropriate records regularly in accordance with organizational policy.
4.5 Report to veterinarian or supervisors based on records. operating procedure.
1.3 Transport the supplies, materials, tools and equipment to the pig house/pen using approved transport tools and equipment.
LO 2. Prepare animals.
2.1 Prepare the animal according to standard organizational procedure or based on animal health status.
2.2 Restrain animal using appropriate restraining technique in accordance with the relevant provision of the Animal Welfare Act.
LO 3. Apply drugs and biologics.
3.1 Check drugs, biologics and the necessary precaution based on manufacturer’s or veterinarian’s recommendations.
3.2 Estimate accurately the body weight of animal (if the quantity of drug is based on body weight).
3.3 Determine the route of administration based on manufacturer’s recommendation.
3.4 Administer drugs and biologics according to standard operating procedures.
3.5 Dispose properly the used supplies and materials following appropriate disposal method.
3.6 Clean properly and disinfect the reusable supplies and materials and, stored following standard operating procedures.
LO 4. Monitor and record response to drugs and biologics.
4.1 Record properly the names of drugs/biologics and dosage administered to animals on the animal’s respective record card.
4.2 Check the reactions/responses of the animal to the medication at least twice a day.
4.3 Record the reactions/responses of the animal to the medication at least twice a day.
LO 5. Record data.
5.1 Update biologics and drug inventories.
5.2 Monitor the medication and vaccination programs.
LO 1. Prepare drugs and biologics.
1.1 Check drugs and biologics for expiration dates.
1.2 Check the contents for any signs of damage.
1.3 Observe proper use of PPE.
LO 2. Transport drugs and biologics.
2.1 Transport drugs and biologics to and from the farm building using specified container equipment materials.
LO 3. Dispose used bottles and biologics.
3.1 Dispose used bottles properly using approved disposal methods or Standard Operating Procedures.
3.2 Report expired and damaged drugs and biologics following Standard and Operating Procedures.
LO 4. Store unused drugs and biologics.
4.1 Store unused drugs and biologics in their proper places based on SOP.
4.2 Store unused drugs following the specific storage temperature requirements as stated in the label.
4.3 Store unused drugs and biologics using FIRST-in-FIRST-out (FIFO) system.
4.4 Seal portion of unused drugs and biologics SOP.
4.5 Label sealed drugs and biologics SOP.
LO 5. Maintain records.
5.1 Update records according to organization standard.
5.2 Keep records according to organization standard.
LO 1. Prepare supplies, materials, tools and equipment.
1.1 Prepare supplies and materials needed for specimen collection.
1.2 Transport supplies and materials needed for specimen collection.
1.3 Clean materials to be used according to Standard Operating Procedures.
1.4 Sterilize material to be used according to SOP.
1.5 Prepare tools and equipment needed to restrain animals based on restraining technique to be used.
LO 2. Prepare the animal.
2.1 Select the appropriate restraining technique based on the degree restraint needed.
2.2 Execute the chosen technique in accordance to the conditions of the Animal Welfare Act.
LO 3. Collect and transport specimen.
3.1 Collect specimen under the supervision of the veterinarian.
3.2 Collect appropriate specimen volume based on Standard Operating Procedures.
3.3 Place collected specimen in appropriate container with cap or proper closure.
3.4 Label the collected specimen in based on SOP.
3.5 Maintain required temperature of collected sample in accordance to Standard Operating Procedures.
3.6 Transport specimen to the diagnostic laboratory following Standards Operating Procedures.
Source: DepED – K to 12 Agri-Fishery Arts –Animal Health Care and Management (NC III) Curriculum Guide