Update Guidelines on the Implementation of Face-to-Face Classes to Prevent and Mitigate COVID-19 Infections in Higher Education

Posted in News
September 7, 2022

The changes on guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination, recommended additional health, and safety measures, and monitoring and evaluation. CMO No. 09, series of 2022 shall serve as a guide for HEIs for their self-reopening of campuses for the conduct of face-to-face classes.


A. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

All State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs), and Private HEIs, including all their campuses/branches , may conduct face-to-face classes for all programs.

B. Students/Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel

All students/teaching and non-teaching personnel, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, may participate in the conduct of face-to-face classes.

HEIs shall inform vulnerable individuals and the unvaccinated of the risks of contracting COVID-19. HEIs are also advised to consider flexible learning/teaching modalities, subject to CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 04, series of 20201 and CMO No. 06, series of 20222 , for vulnerable individuals who opt not to or cannot participate in the conduct of face-to-face classes.

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