Schools in Badoc Ilocos Norte

Find schools in Badoc Ilocos Norte and browse through their courses or programs offered to select the ones that suit you best. Get all info about the study options in the List of Schools in Badoc, Ilocos Norte and compare the tuition fees and length of study.

On this page you can easily find the information of the Best Schools, Top Universities and Colleges in Badoc, Ilocos Norte.

List of Schools in Badoc – Ilocos Norte

Listed below are the complete list of Schools, Colleges and Universities in Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Included in the list of Schools in Badoc Ilocos Norte are the program offerings for Elementary and Senior High School for Public and Private Sector.

Do your research before you enroll and make sure you are informed about your chosen school’s status. We have compiled the list of schools in Badoc, Ilocos Norte.

Just click the link below for a detailed description of the school and an overview of the study programs offered.

Ar-Arusip Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100024
Aring Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 150001
Badoc Junior College, Inc. Grade 7-10 | Grade 11-12, ABM |TVL Private 400002
Badoc Little Angels Learning Center, Inc. Kinder Private 410025
Badoc North Central School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100025
Badoc South Central School SPED Center Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100026
Camanga Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100027
Gabut Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100029
IGAMA Colleges Foundation, Inc. Kinder | Grade 1-6 | Grade 7-10 | Grade 11-12 | STEM |TVL Private 400003
Juan Luna Memorial Academy, Inc. Grade 7-10 | Grade 11-12, STEM | GAS Private 400004
Labut Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100030
Lasien School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100031
Mabusag Sur Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 150002
Mabusag-Napu Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100032
Madupayas Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100033
Morong Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100034
Nagrebcan Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100035
Pagsanahan Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100036
Paltit Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100037
Pasuc-Parang Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100038
Saud Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100039
St. Elizabeth Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Private 400005
Sta. Cruz Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100040
Turod Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100041
Virgen Milagrosa Elementary School Kinder | Grade 1-6 Public 100042

If you have any questions regarding the schools or courses offered, please contact the corresponding schools listed above.

Get in Touch with the DepEd Ilocos Norte at Telephone Number (077) 770-5963 Fax: (077) 771-0960

The Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs and projects in the areas of formal and non-formal basic education. It supervises all elementary and secondary education institutions, including alternative learning systems, both public and private; and provides for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is the Philippine government’s agency in charged with promoting relevant and quality higher education, ensuring access to quality higher education, and guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom for continuing intellectual growth, advancement of learning and research, development of responsible and effective leadership, education of high level professionals, and enrichment of historical and cultural heritages.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is the government agency tasked to manage and supervise technical education and skills development (TESD) in the Philippines. TESDA sets direction, promulgates relevant standards, and implements programs geared towards a quality-assured and inclusive technical education and skills development and certification system.